Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Where we've traveled

Ever since 2004, Cow has been travelling the world. In 2007 he was joined by his friend, Pig for their first trip to Asia. Before beginning their adventures I thought I would give a list of places visited so far, just to give an idea of what's to come.

  • 2004- France
  • 2005- France (Normandy), Tennessee
  • 2006- Greece, England (mainly London), Washington DC, Williamsburg VA.
  • 2007- Bali, Singapore, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, Bryce Canyon, Germany (Bavaria), Austria (Tyrol)
  • 2008- San Francisco, Reno, Salt Lake, Yellowstone, Arches NP, Denver, Rapid City
  • 2009- (upcoming) Iceland

Seeing as Iceland will be their next trip I feel that it would be best to begin their narrative with that trip. For now I will just give highlights of previous trips made as well as travel tips.

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